Bny mellon global funds plc bny mellon brazil equity fund eur (c)
Assureur :
Note du support
?Historique base 100
Performances du fond
Euodia, via son réseau de CIF (conseiller en investissement financier), propose un service de conseil en gestion de patrimoine rémunéré grâce à la rétrocession de commissions : nos partenaires nous versent une commission, perçue sur leur budget d’acquisition de nouveaux clients, pour rétribuer notre travail d’accompagnement et de mise en place des contrats.
Répartition géographique
Données non disponiblesARX Investimentos Ltda
Founded in 2001, ARX Investimentos is controlled by BNY Mellon group since 2008. Our funds are distributed across a diversified range of high quality products divided into the following strategies: Fixed Income, Corporate Debt, Macro, Equity Hedge and Long Only. ARX has a solid operational and technological infrastructure, which allows greater process efficiency. As we are part of a group with the highest ethical and governance standards, we maintain a structure of risk and compliance controls that operates independently from investment management and seeks to ensure the security of investor assets.