Lombard odier funds lo funds - emerging high conviction p eur hedged
Assureur :
Note du support
?Historique base 100
Performances du fond
Euodia, via son réseau de CIF (conseiller en investissement financier), propose un service de conseil en gestion de patrimoine rémunéré grâce à la rétrocession de commissions : nos partenaires nous versent une commission, perçue sur leur budget d’acquisition de nouveaux clients, pour rétribuer notre travail d’accompagnement et de mise en place des contrats.
Répartition géographique
Données non disponibles| Arnaud Gernath
Arnaud Gernath is a co-portfolio manager for the LO Funds Convertible Bonds at Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM). He joined in December 2011. Prior to joining, Arnaud was head of UK sales at HPC SA, after initially setting up their convertible and high yield bond desk. Previous roles include: EMEA convertible bond market-maker (at Morgan Stanley from 2008 to 2009 and at JP Morgan from 2006 to 2008). hedge fund manager of multi-strategy funds at Neuflize-Arbitrage. proprietary trader at Fortis Bank from 2002 to 2004. Arnaud began his career in 1996 as a convertible and high yield market-maker at Schelcher-Prince Finance (now part of Crédit Agricole Group). Arnaud qualified as a certified actuary at the Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances in Lyon in 1995.