Ruffer sicav ruffer total return international oi - eur capitalisation
Assureur :
Note du support
?Historique base 100
Performances du fond
Euodia, via son réseau de CIF (conseiller en investissement financier), propose un service de conseil en gestion de patrimoine rémunéré grâce à la rétrocession de commissions : nos partenaires nous versent une commission, perçue sur leur budget d’acquisition de nouveaux clients, pour rétribuer notre travail d’accompagnement et de mise en place des contrats.
Répartition géographique
Données non disponiblesRUFFER LLP
At Ruffer, we look after investments for private clients, trusts, charities and pension funds. We have a distinctive investment approach, focused on producing consistent returns and not losing money. For each of our clients, our aim is to strike the right balance between risk and reward while avoiding the explosive ups and downs of the market cycle. To do this, we conduct our own independent research, actively manage investments and operate freely, without the straitjacket of relative returns or market benchmarks. We try to provide a service that combines good investment returns with first class administration and clear reporting. At Ruffer, we look after investments for private clients, trusts, charities and pension funds. We have a distinctive investment approach, focused on producing consistent returns and not losing money. For each of our clients, our aim is to strike the right balance between risk and reward while avoiding the explosive ups and downs of the market cycle. To do this, we conduct our own independent research, actively manage investments and operate freely, without the straitjacket of relative returns or market benchmarks. We try to provide a service that combines good investment returns with first class administration and clear reporting.